
How Much Is My Property Worth?


If you’re considering selling your property, or curious as to whether or not the time is right to consider putting it on the market, knowing how much your property is worth and what the market is doing is essential. And getting accurate and expert information on this? Well, this is critical.


Paula and Mikaela can provide you with a free, no obligation property appraisal. An appraisal of your home is an estimated figure or property range your property should achieve if sold and takes into account many aspects including your property’s attributes, condition and location, as well as other factors such as recent sales, the current market, the level of interest and competitiveness of current buyers.

When obtaining a property appraisal from us, it is also a great time to speak to our expert team about any investments into your property that could increase the ultimate sales price and profit you receive. Furthermore, we can provide advice around which improvements may not be ‘big ticket’. This advice means you only spend money in the areas that will result in making the home more saleable and/or will help achieve a higher sale price.


If you have had an appraisal completed in the past, it is still incredibly worthwhile completing one again as appraisals change as market conditions change.

A property sales appraisal is different to a property valuation, which is undertaken by a valuer for a fee. A valuation is systematic in its approach and is more technical, but does not factor in considerations such as current buyer behaviour and demand. A valuation is often used for a bank or lending purposes, however, if you’re looking for a feel for the market and current conditions and how they may affect your property value, then an appraisal is your starting point.


Book yours today and we’ll be in touch.